Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quarter 1 Reflection

1. What have you enjoyed writing the most in the first quarter? Be general when answering this. Have you enjoyed the poetry? Short stories? Daily prompts? Why do you think you enjoyed this kind of writing?

My favorite writing this first quarter has been Song Poetry. I am an avid songwriter and I found myself skipping other homework to write a song, or even write a poem. I have always viewed poets as sort of flakey and too romantic, (a general stereo-type given by todays society) and I really engulfed myself in poetry. I loved being able to create such beauty through words, and paint a picture in the minds of my readers. I was also passionate towards Short Stories because I was able to be the creator. I was able to envoke what ever emotion I wanted in the readers.

2. What do you think is your strongest piece of writing? You can be specific here or you can be more general and just say that "poetry" is your strong point. Explain your choice. Why is this your strongest piece or area of writing? Have you written much of it before? Do you feel you have a lot of inspiration in that area?

My strongest piece of writing in my eyes, was "One Leaf Down Tonight", a song I wrote, depicting a Minnesotan winter. I spent a lot of time on this piece, making it into a song and adding every detail to evoke the emotions I felt. It was exciting to use such a short piece to bring out such strong feelings. I live and breathe music, every moment I have, I jamming out to music. It is such an expressive art, such a powerful inspiration to the soul, and really is a way to learn from others.

3. What have you learned about yourself as a writer in the first quarter? Are you incredibly self-driven? Do you need a lot of prodding to get going? Do you find that you need a lot of structure and direction in writing? Or do you not like the structure and direction?

I have a passion for writing, I love creating. When I have the power to influence, I am so driven to express myself to others. I really have an avid desire to write, especially through music. I just believe that every form of writing can be so beautiful, and inspirational. I do not like structure/direction because I like to let my mind run free. But at the same time I also like direction because it sets the outline, and I am able to bring it to life.

4. What kind of writing do you want to pursue now? Is there a genre you are really interested in exploring? Plays? Screenplays? Non-fiction? (Be specific- what kind of non-fiction? Music reviews? Memoir?)

Now, I would really like to go more in depth with my song writing. Really find a true gift within my songs, allowing people to understand and feel the way I feel. I also loved the short stories because there is even less structure, I am able to create how ever I feel. It is really fun to play with different styles and become more and more aclectic and unique. I love everything about writing, and definitely see myself persuing it in my future.


Tom's Blog said...

Tommy, I really liked your last short story, it was very well written and quite scary. I also enjoyed writing things in our group, especially the story that we had to censor for all the swear words, thanks to Eric. ;)

Mayme and Elle said...
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Michelle said...

I don't mean to intrude, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed listening to your last short story! It was amazing!