Friday, January 18, 2008

Personal Essay

1) writing this personal essay has really allowed me to grasp a better concept of bringing my personal experiences to life through words. It was really cool playing around with the diferent descriptions of physical, personal and emotional tools, attempting to bring the reader in my head. I like this more than fiction because I have already lived this experience, and I am able to bring it to life through my experience. It is as if the blueprint has been set, and I just need to do the interior design.

2) The reason reading is so important is because you are able to intake diferent techniques and styles of writers, and understand how writers are able to bring the story to life through the emotional/physical conflict and character/plot development through great/unique description and comparison. The writer would have no inspiration/drive to develop his/her skills. Reading is to writing as food is to a child. Reading doesn't only help writers survive in the literary world, but it helps them grow and succeed.

3) My favorite piece by far was the poem writing section. I view poem/song writing as an art, and a good song can move the world. There is such power within such a short piece, I don't have the literary skills/attention span to sit down and perfect a novel, but I sure as hell can write a kick ass song. My favorite piece that I've written is on my blog, it is called "One Leaf Down Tonight" and I have recorded it and it is really a descent song in my eyes. The play writing was definitely the most challenging because at the time I had no interest in writing plays. I had no motivation to write it and I couldn't think of solid dialogue to make it good. I kind of winged it, and it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't that great. I have definitely come away with a greater understanding/ appreciation for plays....which is very hard in todays world with all the technology/special effects/realism of the movies.

Coke or Pepsi:

Li'l Wayne or Little Debbie:
Li'l that a joke?

McDonald's or Arby's:

Chiptole or Taco Bell:

American Idol or MTV:

Buffalo Wings or Florida:
How about im on the beach eating Buffalo Wings in Fla?

New York City or Los Angeles
Los Angeles

Name you like for your future daughter:
Alvan (Al) or Roofus, named after a sweety close to my heart

Name you like for your future son:

What is or what will be the first country you see outside the continent of North America:
Well I've been to Canada a lot. how about that eh? Otherwise, I'm headin on over to Europa over spring break which shall be splendid....cause I turn 18 while I'm there....and who knows whats going to happen when you turn 18 in Amsterdam.....

Disney movie you would be most likely to watch on your 21st birthday:
I'll probably be quite intoxicated at the time, and in that case definitely Bambi. I'll be hysterically laughing through the entire movie. Even though it is not a funny movie.

5. Can you figure out what Disney movie my blog title comes from?

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